Monday, August 16, 2010

Hang Tuah Jaya Plan

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hang Tuah Jaya Corporation started on 1 st of June 2005 under PHTJ Enactment and been agreed by State Government on 11 th of May 2005.
This is potential area to be a cosmopolitan area, that is Economic Infrastructure, Social Infrastructure and Recreation to be followed by K-Economy Concept, I-Village, K-Community and Cyber Centre.
Hang Tuah Jaya Corporation exists is important to embrace Malacca development to become a fact that suitable for any development activities that completed and planned.This area cooperates as a state development centre in terms of systematic, assemble and to build up development to be efficient and effective for society.

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The vision is to make Hang Tuah Jaya Corporation as a smart city of development in world standard that is ideal to STUDY, WORKING, LIVING and RECREATION.
It will be suite with ICT centre and multimedia to be dominant as a movement in life with gifted surrounding and peaceful.

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